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Displaying 21-40 of 66 results.
title publishDate  
● 全港中學生「你眼中的物流」短片拍攝比賽2024-01-26
● 全港中學中國歷史研習獎勵計劃成績2024-01-26
● 中一預選活動入選名單 2023-242023-07-21
● 「綠色科技創意大賽2024」第二名及最受歡迎獎2024-07-06
● 「共融盃」全港中小學徵文比賽初中組季軍2023-11-09
● Youth ImpACT Award 2.0-2022-20232023-12-04
● Shortlist for Taiwan Study Tour 2023-20242023-11-08
● Shortlist for Inner Mongolia Study Tour 23-242023-11-08
● Shortlist for Germany Study Tour 2023-20242024-01-29
● Sha Tin Outstanding Student Award 20232023-09-27
● Recruitment of Japanese class tutor2024-01-24
● Recruitment of iGem Modeling Tutor2024-07-12
● PolyU Science Young Talents Competition 20242024-05-06
● Merit award in painting competition2023-11-09
● Join us for the School Maker Faire (創客嘉年華)2024-05-06
● Inter-school Table Tennis Competition2024-04-15
● HKUST Robo-Soccer Competition2023-07-26
● HK Cosmetic Formulation Competition (2023)2023-08-13
● Harvard Book Prize 20232023-07-24
● Grade C Girls Volleyball Competition (D1) 2024-05-31
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