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● Sha Tin Outstanding Student Award 2023


Sha Tin Outstanding Student Award 2023

Congratulations to 5A Tam Wai Ting Janice (2022-2023), 5B Tsui Siu Nga Fiona (2022-2023) and 5B Kan Wing Tung (2022-2023) on being awarded the Sha Tin Outstanding Student Award 2023, in recognition of their outstanding leadership talents and contributions to the community. Kan Wing Tung was also one of the members of the best team in the team competition.

The Shatin Youth Association confers 20 awards to outstanding students in Sha Tin every year to recognize their all-round talents and commitment to social services.

(from left to right) 5B KAN Wing Tung 簡穎彤 , 5B TSUI Siu Nga Fiona 徐小雅, 5A TAM Wai Ting 譚蕙婷 and 5A LO Hin Ching 勞顯晴 (2022-2023 finalist of the 19th Sha Tin District Outstanding Students [Senior])

恭賀 5A 譚蕙婷 (2022-2023)5B 徐小雅 (2022-2023) 5B 簡穎彤 (2022-2023) 獲得「沙田區傑出學生獎2023」,以表揚她們在領袖才能及社會服務方面的卓越表現。同時,簡穎彤 亦為團隊競賽最佳隊伍的成員之一。


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