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● Champion in the Jing Ying Badminton Tournament


4D Cheung Sai Shing has emerged as the champion in the All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Badminton Tournament!  His exceptional skills and determination have brought great honor to our school. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to him and express our gratitude to the coaches for their invaluable guidance.  Let us join together in celebrating his outstanding achievement and may it inspire more students to strive for excellence in sports.

4D張世成 全港學校精英羽毛球比賽中脫穎而出,榮獲冠軍!他非凡的技巧和毅力為我校帶來了巨大的榮譽。我們向他致以衷心的祝賀,並對教練們提供的寶貴指導表示感謝。讓我們共同慶祝他的傑出成就,並希望它能激勵更多的學生在運動中追求卓越。

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