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● "Create Your District” Competition 2023


Congratulations to 6A Choi Ki On, 6C Leung Yau Hei and 6F Wong Yin Nok on being awarded the“Create Your District” Competition 2023, organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), in recognition of their outstanding works in the Northern Metropolis Creative Competition.

Organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), "Create Your District” Competition 2023 aims at encouraging students to explore the rich history, cultural traditions and city development of the Northern Metropolis and demonstrate their creativity by designing an ideal community for Northern Metropolis. This year's competition attracted a total of 142 students from 31 secondary schools, ranging from Form 3 to Form 6. The judging panel selected winners for the champion, first runner-up, second runner-up, and outstanding awards from both the 3D model category and the multimedia video category.

恭賀 6A蔡淇安6C梁佑僖6F 王賢諾 獲得「構建『你』想北部都會區」創作比賽2023—多媒體影片組別 優異獎

香港測量師學會舉辦「構建『你』想北部都會區」創作比賽2023,鼓勵學生認識北部都會區的歷史、文化傳統和城市發展,發揮創意,為北部都會區構建理想社區藍圖。今屆比賽吸引了來自 31 間中學合共 142 位中三至中六的同學報名參加,評審團分別從 3D 模型組別及多媒體影片組別中選出了冠軍、亞軍、季軍和優異獎得主。

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