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● Youth ImpACT Award 2.0-2022-2023


Congratulations to 6B NG TSZ KIU CHERIE, 6B WONG NGA KIU, and 6C HO HIU LAM for capturing a bronze medal in the "Youth ImpACT Award 2.0” 2022-2023 organized by The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong.

The competition aims to encourage students to propose new solutions to social problems with innovative ideas. Our students proposed new ideas to address the difficulties faced by the elderly when using electronic ordering systems in restaurants.

恭賀 6B吳芷蕎6B黃雅喬6C何曉琳 於香港小童群益會舉辦的「感創敢為2.0—青年社會創新服務獎」2022-23 獲得銅獎。活動旨在讓同學了解社會,以創新意念為社會問題提出新的解決辦法。本校同學提出小點子協助長者在餐廳解決電子點餐的困難。

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