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● Awardees in LEGO WRO Robotic Competition


Congratulations to 5C CHEN KWONG TAI, 4A TSE KA CHUN and 4B LAI RUO HAI, they won the 7th place in the Future Innovator Competition (Senior Level) in the "LEGO WRO World Robot Olympiad Friendship Invitational" held in Odense, Denmark in September 2023. More than 1200 participants from 42 countries joined the competition.  

Their bright innovation, named “Tisonic”, facilitated to reduce the number of injuries and deaths in shipping accidents and protect the marine life through AI technology.

恭賀 5C 陳廣泰、4A 謝珈晉、4B 黎若海 奪得"LEGO WRO 世界機械人邀請賽"高級組創意賽世界第七名的佳績。有關賽事於2023年9月21至24日期間假丹麥奧登斯舉行,有來自世界各地42個國家超過1200名參賽者到場比賽和交流。

他們們發明的「Tisonic」,運用人工智能科技,協助減少因海上事故而引致的傷亡及協助保護海洋生物  。



Attachments :
WRO Denmark Engineering Notebook.pdf

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