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● PolyU Science Young Talents Competition 2024


Congratulations to 8 students from 2 teams who participated in the PolyU Science Young Talents Competition 2024 and were awarded “Teams with Excellent Performance” (the 5th and the 6th place respectively). They were selected to compete in the final round of the competition out of 373 teams and conducted challenging experiments focusing on Biology and Food Science, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics on PolyU campus.

Teams with Excellent Performance (5th place) awardees (from left to right):5A Go Yiu Lam Gabriel, Tsang Shek Hei, Yim Ngai Tung and Cheung Chi Yui Isaac


Teams with Excellent Performance (6th place) awardees (from left to right):5A Cheng Tsz Kiu, Kong Hiu Yin, Lau Ho Laam and Khoo Cho Hiong

Other qualified team members in the Final round (from left to right):5A Liu Hiu Lam, Chan Tsz Yau, Wong Ka Man and 5C Cheng Tsz Yau



本校兩隊共八位同學於 理大科學青年人才比賽2024 獲得「團隊表現優異獎」全港第五名全港第六名 佳績。同學們從373隊參賽隊伍中脫穎而出進入決賽,在理大校園進行了不同範疇的實驗,包括生物與食品科學、化學、數學和物理。

團隊表現優異獎(第五名)得獎同學:5A 高耀霖、曾碩晞、嚴毅東、章志睿

團隊表現優異獎(第六名)得獎同學:5A 鄭梓翹、江曉姸、劉浩嵐、邱楚雄

其他晉身決賽同學:5A 劉曉琳、陳芷悠、黃嘉敏、 5C 鄭祉悠

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