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● Recruitment of iGem Modeling Tutor2024-07-12
● 兩名學生經 SNDAS 獲醫學院直接錄取2024-07-08
● 香港機械奧運會2024獲得多個獎項2024-07-06
● 香港機械人盛會贏得第三名2024-07-06
● 「綠色科技創意大賽2024」第二名及最受歡迎獎2024-07-06
● 6F 莫雲峰 初審入選「第7屆葛量洪視覺藝術獎2023/2024」2024-06-18
● Grade B Girls Volleyball Competition (D1)2024-05-31
● Grade C Girls Volleyball Competition (D1) 2024-05-31
● 聯校音樂大賽2024獲得多項獎項2024-05-26
● 香港學校戲劇節2024評判推介演出獎2024-05-25
● Dr Therese LU Health Care Scholarship 20242024-05-17
● Champion in Girls' (Grade C) Basketball Team 2024-05-14
● Applied Learning Scholarship 2022/23 2024-05-14
● Champion in Girls' (Grade B) Basketball Team  2024-05-08
● Champion in Boys' (Grade B) Basketball Team 2024-05-06
● Join us for the School Maker Faire (創客嘉年華)2024-05-06
● PolyU Science Young Talents Competition 20242024-05-06
● 恭賀侯任希同學獲得「傑出藝術作品獎」2024-04-15
● Inter-school Table Tennis Competition2024-04-15
● Awardees in ROBOFEST Competition 20242024-04-05
● Awardees in LEGO WRO Robotic Competition 2024-04-05
● 校際羽毛球比賽男子乙組冠軍2024-04-05
● Inter-school Long Distance Run Competition2024-04-03
● Inter-school Cross-country Competition2024-04-03
● 恭賀4A兩名同學於第二十屆泛珠三角物理奧林匹克競賽及中華名校邀請賽獲獎2024-04-02
● Congratulations to 5C Kwong Sze Oi Sarah2024-03-11
● Congratulations to 2D Siu Yik Nam2024-03-10
● 恭喜4F葉芷因同學獲得跳高亞軍2024-03-10
● Champion of 11th THF Asia Choi Young Seok Cup2024-02-06
● 恭喜中二陳庭軒獲得帶Teen童路標語創作比賽季軍2024-01-30
● Shortlist for Germany Study Tour 2023-20242024-01-29
● 恭喜5C 鄺施愛獲得公民田徑錦標女子乙組標槍冠軍2024-01-27
● 全港中學生「你眼中的物流」短片拍攝比賽2024-01-26
● 全港中學中國歷史研習獎勵計劃成績2024-01-26
● 2023 Sha Tin District Outstanding Young People2024-01-24
● Recruitment of Japanese class tutor2024-01-24
● The 3rd in International BIO Olympiad (HK)2024-01-17
● 恭喜4F葉芷因同學獲得跳高獎項2024-01-16
● 恭賀5C鄺施愛獲得多項女子標槍獎項2024-01-16
● 恭賀中一詹梓進同學獲得兩項全港象棋比賽佳績2024-01-15
● 恭喜鄺施愛打破香港女子U18 標槍紀錄2023-12-28
● 開放日 X 升中資訊 (6/1/2024)2023-12-11
● 第40屆全國中學生物理競賽一等獎2023-12-05
● Youth ImpACT Award 2.0-2022-20232023-12-04
● "Create Your District” Competition 2023 2023-12-04
● Champion in the Jing Ying Badminton Tournament2023-11-25
● Gold Medal in iGEM (Paris) Competition2023-11-22
● 全港校際經濟辯論比賽冠軍2023-11-15
● 校際羽毛球比賽女子甲組亞軍2023-11-15
● 「共融盃」全港中小學徵文比賽初中組季軍2023-11-09
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