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Displaying 1-20 of 66 results.
title publishDate  
● Inter-school Cross-country Competition2024-04-03
● Inter-school Long Distance Run Competition2024-04-03
● The 3rd in International BIO Olympiad (HK)2024-01-17
● 聯校音樂大賽2024獲得多項獎項2024-05-26
● 香港學校戲劇節2024評判推介演出獎2024-05-25
● "Create Your District” Competition 2023 2023-12-04
● 2023 Sha Tin District Outstanding Young People2024-01-24
● 2023年度機械奧運會奪得多個獎項2023-07-24
● 24-25年度中一級預選(部分)活動入選名單2024-07-22
● 6F 莫雲峰 初審入選「第7屆葛量洪視覺藝術獎2023/2024」2024-06-18
● Annual Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 20232023-09-22
● Applied Learning Scholarship 2022/23 2024-05-14
● Awardees in LEGO WRO Robotic Competition 2024-04-05
● Awardees in ROBOFEST Competition 20242024-04-05
● Bronze award in Logo Design Competition2023-11-09
● Champion in Boys' (Grade B) Basketball Team 2024-05-06
● Champion in Girls' (Grade B) Basketball Team  2024-05-08
● Champion in Girls' (Grade C) Basketball Team 2024-05-14
● Champion in the Jing Ying Badminton Tournament2023-11-25
● Champion of 11th THF Asia Choi Young Seok Cup2024-02-06
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